author Ursula Berk

Ursula Berk


  • What are worms? Ways of infection with parasites. How are worms transmitted from person to person? Signs and symptoms of parasites in the body.
    13 April 2022
  • Pumpkin seeds parasites can be used in absolutely any age. The composition of raw pumpkin seeds is the amino acid that can destroy intestinal parasites and to stop the growth of immature individuals.
    4 July 2019
  • Worms - parasites living in the human body and eating at his expense. Different types of worms in children, the symptoms are fairly General, it is easy to determine that the child is infested.
    15 May 2019
  • Signs of the presence of worms in children are pallor, dark circles under the eyes, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, intestine disorders, weakness, dizziness, and sleep disturbance. And the signs of worms in younger children is increased tearfulness and moodiness.
    8 April 2019